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Title ERE Materials Inc., the 2017 successful case of Te




저희 회사는 LCD 특수용기라는 특화된 시장을 타깃으로 청정 포장재를 제조하는 회사입니다. 그간 미국과 일본 업체의 특수용기를 국내에 판매했지만, 고객들의 수요증가와 제품의 개선 불만이 커지고 있는 상황이 지속되었습니다. 저희는 이러한 고객의 목소리를 반영하여 LCD 특수 용기를 국산화하는데 성공하여 고개의 불만 사항을 해결해 용기 시장에서 자사의 입지를 세울 수 있었고, 그리하여 국내 용기 시장의 첫 발을 내딧는 성과를 만들어 내었습니다. 그간 용기 시장에서 다년간 쌓아온 영업 노하우와 용기 제작의 기술력, 시장의 흐름을 파악하여 2차 개발 아이템으로 CLEAN PE BOTTLE 제품은 국내 처음으로 이레머티리얼스가 개발하게 되었습니다. 또한 생산부터 납품까지 원라인 생산라인을 구축하여 생산을 하였습니다. 그러던 중 생산 과정에서 문제점을 발견하였습니다.


미세한 온도변화에 의해 주입구 변형이 발생하여 제품에 문제가 있음을 발견하였고 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 PE 재료의 특성 및 플라스틱의 기술적 검토 구조 해석이 필요한 시점이었으나 저희 회사의 자원 및 여력으로 시도하기가 매우 어려운 실정이었습니다.프라스틱 용기를 개발 하였으나 플라스틱의 재료의 특성 및 구조 해석을 하기에는 자사 자체적으로 해결하기 어려움을 확인하였고, 여러 방면으로 성공사례 알아본 결과 경기테크노파크 기관에서 중기애로기술지원사업을 진행하는 것을 알고 접하게 되었습니다. 담당자와 몇 차례 상담을 통하여 우리 회사에서 가지고 있는 특수한 시장의 용기의 상품성을 높이 평가 해주셨습니다.


이레머티리얼스의 개발품인 CLEAN PE BOTTLE의 주입구에 대한 애로기술과 케미칼의 해외 이송의 문제점의 해결하기 위해 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 실험 애로점을 해결하기 위해 다방면으로 해결 방안을 찾고 있던 중 기술닥터 공고를 처음 접하고 기술닥터사무국 연구원님과 미팅을 통해서 필요한 부분을 지원받을 수 있게 되었고, 이를 계기로 현장애로기술 신청서를 제출하게 되었습니다.


기술닥터 민경기 박사님의 조언

당사에서는 STS 재질의 용기를 제작하는 기술은 보유하고 있었지만, 플라스틱 재질의 용기에 대한 지식 및 노하우가 부족하였습니다. 이를 기술닥터 기술지원 인력인 민경기 박사님께서 많은 도움을 주셨습니다.


CLEAN PE BOTTLE 제품인 플라스틱용기는 생산 후 환경의 온도 변화에 따라 제품의 변형이 발생하는 문제가 발생하였습니다. 기술닥터를 통해 제품의 변형의 원인분석을 할 수 있었으며, 주입구 나사산 연장하여 구조적 형상을 개선하여 캡을 체결 시 안정적인 체결 강도를 얻어 품질개선을 할 수 있었습니다.


내용 전문 보기 : https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=t_doctor&logNo=221156821875&proxyReferer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.co.kr%2F 


출처 : 경기테크노파크 중소기업지원 블로그




Personal information handling policy

ERE Materials Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") highly regards protection of users’ personal information and is committed to protecting personal information that is provided to the Company by users while they use the services of the Company. Therefore, the Company abides by the personal information protection regulations in the relevant laws that information and communication service provider has to comply with such as the Telecommunications Privacy Act, the Telecommunications Business Act, the Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection Act and Privacy Protection Policy established by the Ministry of Information and Communication. The Company will disclose how the personal information provided by users is being used through the personal information policy and what measures are being taken to protect personal information

Article 1 (Purpose of Handling Personal Information)
The Company handles personal information for the following purposes.
Personal information that is handled is not used for purposes other than the following purposes, and when the purpose of use is changed, it will implement necessary measures such as receiving separate consent.
1. Homepage membership and management
It handles personal information for the purpose of confirmation of membership intention, member identification by providing membership service, maintenance and management of membership, member identification by execution of limited member identification system, prevention of illegal use of service, checking consent of legal representative when handling personal information of children under 14 years old and treatment of various notices, notifications, or difficulties.
2. Provision of goods or services
It handles personal information for the purpose of delivery of goods, service provision, sending contracts and bills, contents delivery, personalized service delivery, self-identification, age verification, settlement of charge, credit collection, etc.
3. Handling difficulties
It handles personal information for the purpose of confirming the identity of the petitioner, confirming civil affair matters, contacting and notifying for the factual investigation, and notifying the result of processing.

Article 2 (Personal information items to be handled)
The company handles the following personal information items.
1. Homepage membership and management
Required items: name, date of birth, ID, password, address, mobile phone number, gender, email address
Optional: marital status, home phone number, wedding anniversary, spouse's birthday
2. Provision of goods or services
Required items: name, date of birth, ID, password, address, phone number, email address, i-PIN number, credit card number
Optional: Interests, past purchase history
3. Providing customer community
Required items: name, email, contact

Article 3 (Handling and Retention Period of Personal Information)
① Company handles and keeps personal information within personal information retention and usage period according to related laws and within personal information retention and usage period consented by users at the time of personal information collection.
② Each personal information handling and retention period is as follows.
1. Homepage membership and management: Until business/organization leave the homepage
However, if it falls under any of the following reasons, it lasts until the particular reason is over.
1) In case of investigations in violation of related laws and regulations, it lasts until the relevant investigation is terminated
2) In case of remaining bonds or obligations relationship for the use of the website, it lasts until bonds or obligations relationship is over
2. Provision of goods or services: until completion of the supply of goods and services and charges.
However, if it falls under the following reasons, it lasts until the end of the period concerned
1) Records about transaction such as indication, advertisements, contract contents and implementation in accordance with Article 6 of 「Consumer Protection Act on Electronic Commerce etc」
- Records of advertisements and Indications: June
- Supply records such as contract or subscription withdrawal, payment settlement, goods, etc.: 5 years
- Records of consumer complaints or dispute settlement: 3 years
2) Keeping communication fact confirmation data according to Article 15-2 of 「Communication Confidentiality Protection Act」
- Date of subscriber’s telecommunication, open and finish time, subscriber number, frequency of use: 1 year
- Computer communication, internet log data, access point tracking data: 3 months
○3 Destruction method of personal information
The Company handles the personal information of valuable members safely and destroys personal information through the following methods to prevent leakage.

- Personal information printed on paper is destroyed by shredder or by incineration.
- Personal information stored in the form of an electronic file is deleted using a technical method in a way that cannot be reproduced.

Article 4 (Rights, duties and exercise methods of users and legal representatives)
① User may exercise the right of privacy protection at any time on the Company.
1. Request of reading personal information
2. Request of correction in case there is an error.
3. Delete request
4. Handling stop request
② The exercise of the rights pursuant to Paragraph 1 may be made through written letter, telephone, e-mail or fax (FAX) to the Company and the Company shall take action without delay.
③ If users requests correction or deletion of errors of personal information, the Company shall not use or provide the personal information until the completion of correction or deletion.
④ In the case of a child under the age of 14, the exercise of rights under Paragraph 1 can be made through representatives such as users’ legal representative or those who received trust. In this case, a legal representative has all the rights of a user.
⑤ The user shall not invade personal information or privacy or users or other people by violating relevant laws such as the Information and Communications Network Act and the Personal Information Protection Act.

Article 5 (Installation, Operation and Rejection of Automatic Collection Device of Personal Information)
The Company uses 'Cookie' which store and retrieve information of users in order to provide personalized and customized service to each user.
a. Purpose of use for Cookie
Provide target marketing and customized service through analysis of user's access frequency and time of visit, identification of user's taste and interests and following traces and understanding attendance frequency of various events and number of visits.
b. Cookie installation/operation
You have the option of installing Cookie. Therefore, you can allow all Cookie, check each time a Cookie is saved, or refuse to save all Cookies by setting options in your web browser.
c. How to decline Cookie settings
To decline Cookie, you can allow all Cookies, check each time a Cookie is saved, or refuse to save all Cookies by setting options in your web browser. However, if the user refuses to install Cookie, there may be difficulties in providing the service.

Example of Setup Method (for Internet Explorer): Tool on top of web browser> Internet Options> Personal information

Article 6 (Measures to Ensure the Safety of Personal Information)
The Company takes the following measures to ensure the safety of personal information.
1. Administrative measures: Establishment and implementation of internal management plans, regular staff training, etc.
2. Technical measures: management of administrator's access right such as personal information processing system, encryption of unique identification information, security program installation
3. Physical measures: Access control of homepage server personnel

Article 7 (Personal Information Protection Personnel)
The company does the best to ensure that users have access to good information safely. In the event of any incidents that might occur against the notice to the user in protecting personal information, the Company shall bear all responsibility. However, the company shall not be held responsible for any damage caused by unexpected accidents by basic network dangers such as hacking and any disputes caused by posts made by visitors, which might occur in spite of technological complementary measures. The person in charge of handling personal information of the user is as follows and responds promptly and faithfully to inquiries about personal information.

1) The person in charge of personal information handling
Name: Son Jung Wan
Position: Deputy head
Phone: +82-31-663-5421~2
Email: jyoon@eremi.co.kr

2) Civil Service on Personal Information
In order to protect customer's personal information and to deal with complaints related to personal information, the Company has designated and operated the department of personal information protection affairs as follows.
The department of personal information protection affairs: Marketing Team
Phone: 02-569-2060
Users may report all personal information related complaints that occur while using company's services to the person in charge of personal information management or department concerned. The Company will respond promptly to the users' complaints. If you need to report or consult about other privacy infringement, please contact the following organizations.
- Individual Dispute Resolution Committee (https://www.kopico.go.kr)
- Information Protection Mark Certification Committee (http://www.eprivacy.or.kr/)
- Internet Crime Investigation Center at the Prosecutor-General’s office
- Cyber Terror Response Center an the National Police Agency (Cyber Terror Response Center, National Police Agency)